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Sunday, 13 May 2018

ENG201 Question & Answer for Quiz preparation

Question:  What sort of audience you deal with in a presentation?  
Answer:  Audience can be of four types: 1 Experts 2 Technicians 3 Laypersons 4 Mixed audience 
Question:  What are the general purposes of reading Technical and Scientific writing?  
Answer:  There are three general purposes of reading Technical and Scientific writing: 1 To acquire information 2 To help make decisions 3 To learn how to do something 
Question:  How can you target your audience in technical writing? 
 Answer:  You can target your audience by identifying 1 audience type and level of expertise 2 audience purpose in using the document 3 audience attitude towards you and contents of the document 
Question:  What are the explicit purposes for creating a scientific or technical document?  
Answer:  There are four explicit purposes for creating a scientific or technical document: 1 To provide information 2 To give instructions 3 To persuade the reader 4 To prohibit something 
Question:  What are the implicit purposes of writing a document?  
Answer:  The most common implicit goals of writing a document are to establish a relationship, to create trust and credibility and to document actions.  
Question:  What tasks do readers perform while reading?  
Answer:  Readers perform tasks of locating, understanding,and using information in many different ways, depending on the situation.  
Question:  What can be the style of presenting information?  
Answer:  Information style may vary from simple prose writing to illustrations with graphs,tables and charts etc.  
Question:  Can you identify the readers by role?  
Answer:  There can be three types of readers by role: 
1 Decision makers 
2 Advisors 
3 Implementers 
Question:  How can you identify the readers by type?  
Answer:  Readers can be classified by type as below: 
1 Phantom readers 
2 Future readers 
Question:  What are the characteristics of good technical communication? 
 Answer:  Good technical communication is: 1 accurate 
2 clear  3 concise 4 coherent 5 appropriate 
Question:  What are the three aspects of accuracy?  
Answer:  Accuracy, which is the clear conforming to fact or truth, has three main aspects: 1 Document accuracy 2 Stylistic accuracy 3 Technical accuracy 
Question:  What does clarity stand for?  
Answer:  Clarity means that a document should be easily understandable. Clarity can be of three types: 1 Structural Clarity 
2 Stylistic Clarity 
3 Contextual Clarity 
Question:  What are the characteristics of a concise document?  
Answer:  Conciseness means providing required and necessary information.It can be achieved by 1 careful revision 2 reducing wordiness 2 cutting useless words,sentences and phrases. 
Question:  What is coherence and why is it important?  
Answer:  Coherence means that the material should be stylistically and logically consistent and organized in a specific pattern i.e.,the contents of a document should be related to each other.  
Question:  Which factors contribute to paragraph development?  
Answer:  Paragraph development can be achieved partly through the specific stretigies of: 1 examplification 2 analysis 3 comparison and contrast 4 definition 5 enumeration 6 description 
Question:  What are the seven Cs of effective communication?  
Answer:  The seven Cs of effective communication are the following: 1 completeness 2 conciseness 
3 consideration 4 concreteness 5 clarity 6 courtesy 7 correctness 
Question:  How can you make your message forceful?  
Answer:  You can make your message forceful by using 1 comparisons 2 sensory appeals 3 figurative language 4 concrete nouns and 5 well chosen adjectives 
Question:  Answer the five Ws that make the message clear.  
Answer:  The five Ws that make the message clear are the following: 1 who 2 what 3 when 4 where 5 why 
Question:  What is meant by consideration?  
Answer:  Consideration means preparing every message with the message receiver in mind.  
Question:  What are the specific ways of indicating consideration?  
Answer:  Following are the three specific ways of indicating consideration: 1 Focus on 'you' instead of 'I 'or 'we'. 2 Show audience interest in the receiver. 3 Emphasize positive, pleasant facts. 
Question:  What does concrete communication mean?  
Answer:  Concrete communication means being specific,definite,and vivid rather than vague and general.  
Question:  What is the purpose of clarity? 
 Answer:  Getting the meaning from your head accurately to the reader is the purpose of clarity.  
Question:  What is the purpose of defining objectives?  Answer:  The first purpose of defining objectives is to tell the reader whether you are writing a letter or a job application etc.Thus you tell what you want 
your communication to do.Thus your objectives form the basis of all other work at writing .  
Question:  Name the categories of the composition process.  
Answer:  The composition process has three categories: 
1    Planning 
2    Composing 
3    Revising 
Question:  Give an example of an incomplete letter.  
Thank you for the confidence you have shown us by the account you recently opened. All our facilities are at your disposal, and anytime we can be of service , please call us on. Our appreciation is best expressed by our being of service to you. 
Question:  Give an example of a complete letter.  

Thank you for the confidence you have shown in First Federal by the saving account you recently opened. Our goal is to make all our services to you both pleasant and helpful. 
Among the conveniences and services available to you at First Federal, you may be especially interested in these: 
   Your PASSBOOK DEPOSITS earn 2% interest compounded monthly. 
BETTER -THAN- CHECKING service helps you pay bills by phone , earns interest on your money , and permits using our 24-hours cash machines. 
MORTGAGE LOANS help you to buy ,build, or refinance a home or to borrow for property repairs and improvements. 
With our MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES  you can earn interest at various current high rates , depending on time and amount of  your investment .The enclosed leaflet gives you more details about these and other services available to you at First Federal . 
FREE CUSTOMER PARKING  is the lot north of our office . The teller stamps your parking slip ,entitling you to free parking while doing business here .Office hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays except 
for Friday , when the doors remain open until 6:00 p.m. 
You are most welcome to come in whenever we can assist you .Please consider this association your financial headquarters for you savings and borrowing needs. 
Question:  How can you use "you" attitude. 
Answer:  On the simplest level you can adopt the "you" attitude by replacing terms that refer to yourself and your company with terms that refer to your audience. In other words, use "you" and "yours" instead of "I" , "we", "us", "ours". 
To help us proceed this order ,we must ask for another copy of the requisition.   
         USE THIS 
So that your order can be filled promptly, Please send another copy of the requisition. 
2    We are pleased to announce our new flight schedule from  Karachi to Lahore which is any hour all the day.   USE THIS 
  Now you can take a plane from Karachi to Lahore any hour a day.  INSTEAD OF THIS  
3    We offer the printer cartridges in three colors: black , blue and green.   USE THIS 
Select your printer cartridges from three colors :black ,blue, and green. 
Question:  Give some examples of avoiding negative connotations and using meaningful euphemisms instead.  
Answer:  In general, try to state your message without using words that might offend  your audience. Substitute mild terms (euphemisms) for those that 
have unpleasant connotations. Instead of advertising "cheap" merchandise, announce your bargain prices. You can be honest without being harsh. Gentle terms won't change the facts ,but they will make those facts more acceptable. 
INSTEAD OF THIS                      USE THIS 
Toilet paper                                  Bathroom tissue 
Used cars                                     Resale cars 
High calorie food                          High energy food 
elderly                                          Senior citizen 

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