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Friday, 29 June 2018

ENG201 Business Communication - Solved Subjective of WaqarSidhu ScreenShot

Dear Students:

You may download the Waqar Sidhu Screen solved subject screenshots of Past Mid-Term paper of ENG 201 by just click the link download link.

ENG201 Business Communication - Solved Subjective of WaqarSidhu PastMidTerm ScreenShot

Dear Students:

You may download the Waqar Sidhu Screen solved subject screenshots of Past Mid-Term paper of ENG 201 by just click the link download link.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

ENG201 Business Communication - WaqarSidhu PastMidTerm ScreenShot

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You may download the Waqar Sidhu Screen Shots of Past Mid-Term paper of ENG 201 by just click the link download link.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Data Communication - CS601 - (Chapter 5 to Chapters 8)

Dear Students:

You may download the following pdf file that contains the Data communication updated slides from chapter 5 to chapter 8.

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Monday, 25 June 2018

MTH202 Discrete Mathematics - Today Mid - Term paper 25-06-18


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Please download the 25-06-2018 Paper of MTH202  by just click the below Download Link:

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Sunday, 24 June 2018

CS402 Theory of Automata - Solution of Waqar Sidhu Subjective Questions

Dear Fellows:

Please download the Solution of Waqar Sidhu past Subjective question of Theory of Automata by just click the below Download Link:

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CS402 Theory of Automata Waqar Sidhu Subjective Questions

Dear Fellows:

Please download the Waqar Sidhu past Subjective question of Theory of Automata by just click the below Download Link:

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Saturday, 23 June 2018

CS402 Theory of Automata Waqar Sidhu Solved MCQs

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Please download the Waqar Sidhu solved past MCQs of Theory of Automata by just click the below Download Link:

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Thursday, 21 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - Assignment 2

// Assignment No.2
//Write a program in C++ that will ask some programming related questions ()
//from user and rank user according his / her answers in one of following categories:
//1- Beginner level
//2- Intermediate level
//3- Advanced level

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; //Allows computer to output data

const int TotQtn = 2; //define contant for total questions

char getinputs(char[]); //declare function to get input from user

int computeUserLevel(char*); //declare function to computer user level

main() //main function begins
//declare variables and array
int rank;
char option[TotQtn];

cout << "\t\t\"Program to Predict User Programming Level\"\n\n";

//get inputs from the user

//compute the rank of the user

switch (rank) //display result
case 3:
cout << "Your level is advanced";

case 2:
cout << "Your level is Intermediate";

cout << "Your level is Beginner";
}//end of main function

//function which get the answer as inputs in the array
char getinputs(char ans[])
int q=0;
if (q==0)
cout << "Q: Switch is a loop?\nA: ";
cin >> ans[q];
else if (q==1)
cout<<"Q: Pointer Store memory addresses?\nA: ";
cin >> ans[q];
else if (q==2)
cout<<"Q: Semicolon after for loop is an error?\nA: ";
cin >> ans[q];
return ans[q];

//function that compute the user level
int computeUserLevel(char *op)

if (*op=='f' && *(op+1) == 't' && *(op+2) == 'f')
return 3;
else if (*op == 'f' && *(op+1) == 't' && *(op+2) == 't')
return 2;
return 1;

Result of Assignments and Quiz

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - Paper pattren/Exam Guideline

Questions - 20MCQs
Marks - 1no X 20q = 20 marks 
Time - 1min * 20q = 20minutes
3 question             
Marks - 2no X 2q = 04 marks
Time - 4min X 2q = 08 minutes
2 question             
Marks - 3no X 2q = 6 marks
Time - 6min X 2q = 12minutes
2 questions
Marks - 5 no X 2q  =  10 marks
Time - 10 min X 2q= 20 minutes
27 question - 40 marks - 60 minutes

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - Quiz for Mid-Term

Dear Fellows:

You may download the CS201 of Mid-term Solved Quiz by just click the Download link below for your preparation.

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Thursday, 14 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - Function that copy a array into other array

//Copy a array of string into another array of string

#include <iostream>  //for input and output

using namespace std;

void copystr(char *destination, const char *source);

main()   //Main function begins
char str1[30]="This is the test string";
char str2[30];

cout << "Str1\n" << str1;
cout << "\nStr2" << str2;


cout << "\nThe String is copied in aray 2\n" << str2;

//Main Program ends

void copystr(char *s1, const char *s2)
while (*s2!='\0')

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - Convert String into Lower case

////This program converts a string into an lowercase string 

#include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>

using namespace std; //Allows computer to output data

//declaring the function prototype
void converToLowercase(char *);

main() //main function begins
char str[30] = "WELCOME to VIRTUAL UNIVERSIty";
//char fstr;

cout << "The string before conversion is:\t" << str;


cout << "\nThe string after conversion is:\t\t" << str;

}//end of main function

void converToLowercase(char *sptr)
if (isupper(*sptr))


Tuesday, 12 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - bubble sorting by using swap fuction

// This program uses bubble sorting to sort a given array.
// We use swap function to interchange the values by using pointers

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; //Allows computer to output data

/* Prototye of function swap used to swap two values */ 
void swap(int *, int *);

main() //main function begins
int x[] = {1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10};
int i,j,swaps;

for (i=0;i<=10;i++)
for (j=0;j<=10;j++)
// compare two values and interchange if needed
if (x[j]>x[j+1])
//display the array’s elements after each comparison
for (j=0;j<=10;j++)
cout << x[j] << "\t\n";
if (swaps==0)

}//end of main function

//function using pointers to interchange the values
void swap(int *a, int *b)
int tmp;
if (*a > *b)
//cout << *a;
//cout << *b;

CS201 Introduction to Programming - SWAP function

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; //Allows computer to output data
void swap(int *, int *);
main() //main function begins
int x,y;

cout << "Value of X";
cin >> x;

cout << "\nValue of Y";
cin >> y;


cout << "\nValue of X" << x;
cout << "\nValue of Y" << y;

}//end of main function

void swap(int *a, int *b)
int tmp;


cout << *a;
cout << *b;

Monday, 11 June 2018

CS402 Theory of Automata - Quiz of 12-06-18

Dear Fellows:

You may download the CS402 of 12-06-2018 Solved Quiz by just click the Download link below.

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CS402 Theory of Automata - todayQuiz

Dear Fellows:

You may download the CS402 today's attempted Quiz with the solution  by just click the Download.

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Sunday, 10 June 2018

CS402 Theory of Automata - Past Solved Quiz

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You may download the CS402 Past solved Quiz by just click the Download link below.

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MTH202 Discrete Mathematics - todayQuiz

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You may download the MTH202 today's attempted Quiz with the solution  by just click the Download.

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Saturday, 9 June 2018

MTH202 Discrete Mathematics - Quiz from relations and functions

Dear Fellows:

You may download the MTH202 Quiz from the chapters about relations and function  along with the solution  by just click the Download.

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Friday, 8 June 2018

MTH202 Discrete Mathematics - Quiz

Dear Fellows:

You may download the MTH202 Quiz along with the solution from of MTH201 by just click the Download.

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Thursday, 7 June 2018

MTH202 Discrete Mathematics - Exam/Paper Pattern Guidelines

  1. Syllabus for Mid-term exam MTH202 will be from the lectures ( 1 – 22 ).
  2. Midterm Paper:             Total time = 60 minutes)
  3. Total marks are 40
  4. There are 20 MCQs. Each MCQ carries 1 mark.
  5. 20 Marks paper will be from subjective. The short questions carry 2 and 3 marks. The long question carries 5 marks.
  6. Note: You have to do all the questions.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

STA301 Statistics and Probability - Quiz

Dear Students:

You may download the STA301 Quiz along with the solution from Lecture no. 15 to 21 of STA301 by just click the Download.

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Tuesday, 5 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - Solution of today attempted Quiz

Dear Students:

You may download the solution of CS201 today Quiz of 05-June-2018 by just click the Download.

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MTH202 - Discrete Mathematics - Solution of Practice Question (lecture 15 to lecture 18)

Dear Students:

You may download the Solution of Practice questions along with the solution from Lecture no. 13 to 18 of MTH202 by just click the Download.

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Monday, 4 June 2018

CS201 Introduction to Programming - Quiz

Dear Students:

You may download the CS201 Quiz along with the solution from Lecture no. 1 to 20 of CS201 by just click the Download.

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STA301 Statistics and Probability - MCQ - Lecture 15 to 21 (Solved)

multiplication theorem P(AB) equals:
►P(A) P(B)
►P(A) + P(B)
►P(A)  *  P(B|A)           (Page 159)
►P(B\A) * P(B)

The probability of drawing ‘White’ ball from a bag containing 4 red , 8 black and 3 white ball is 

If A and B are mutually exclusive events then P(A or B) equals:
P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
P(A) * P(B)
P(A) + P(B)              (Page 155)
P(A|B) + P(B|A)

The simultaneous occurrence of two events is called
►Prior probability
►Subjective probability not confirmed
►Conditional probability
►Joint probability           

Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set of observations into equal parts?

       ► Quartiles
       ► Deciles
       ► Percentiles
       ► Standard deviations

The height of student is 60 inch. This is an example of……? 
►Continues data
►Qualitative data
►Categorical data
►Discrete data 

Which of the statement is true regarding a sample?
►It is a part of population              (Page 13)
►It must contain at least five observations
►It refers to descriptive statistics  
►It produces true value

The probability of drawing a ‘jack card ‘from 52 playing cards is:

If all the values fall on the same straight line and the line has a positive slope then what will be the value of the correlation coefficient ‘r’: 
       ► 0 ≤ r ≤ 1
       ► r ≥ 0
       r = +1
       ► r=-1

What is the Standard Deviation of 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7

►0        Standard deviation will always be zero if all the values in data are same

10! =………….

       ► 362880
       ► 362280
       ► 362800
If a player well shuffles the pack of 52 playing cards, then the probability of a black card from 52 playing cards is: 


In a regression line Y= a + bX, the value of the correlation coefficient will be zero if:

►Intercept a ≠ 0
 ►Intercept a = 0 (correct)
►Slope b = 0
►Slope b ≠ 0

The probability of drawing a ‘jack card ‘from 52 playing cards is:
Which dispersion is used to compare variation of two series?
       ► C.V.      (Page 93)
       ► Q.D.
       ► M.D.
       ► S.D.

The probability of drawing a ‘jack card ‘from 52 playing cards is:
       ►4/52      rep    

In a regression line Y= a + bX, the value of the correlation coefficient will be zero if:

► Intercept a = 0      rep
► Intercept a ≠ 0
► Slope b = 0
► Slope b ≠ 0

Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set of observations into equal parts?

► Quartiles
► Deciles
► Percentiles
► Standard deviations rep

If all the values fall on the same straight line and the line has a positive slope then what will be the value of the correlation coefficient ‘r’: 
       ► 0 ≤ r ≤ 1
       ► r ≥ 0
       r = +1 (Page 129)
       ► r=-1
If a=4 b=2 estimate line (i.e y=a+bx) and independent variable has value 3 the value of dependent variable
► 6  
► 9
► 10  4+2(3)=10
► 11

The number of ways in which 4 books can be arranged
► 4
► 6
► 12
24 (Page 142)

The simultaneous occurrence of two events is called
► Descriptive probability
► Subjective probability 
► Conditional probability
► Joint probability

When coin tossed we get only
►1 outcome
►2 outcomes
►3 outcomes
►4 outcomes

When mean is 25 and S.D is 5 then CV is

► 100%
► 25%
► 20%
► 10%

A set that contains all possible outcomes of a system is known as 
         Finite Set
       ► Infinite Set
       ► Universal Set           (Page 134)
       ► No of these
If X and Y are independent, then Var(X-Y) is equal to:

       Var(X)Var(Y) Var(X)Var(Y)
Var(X Y)
       ► Zero

A coin is tossed 3 times then, the number of sample points ii the sample space is:


What is the difference between a permutation and a combination:

►In a permutation order is important and in a combination it is not
►In a permutation order is not important and in a combination it is important
►A combination is based on the classical definition of probability
►A permutation is based on the classical definition of probability

What we consider in simple correlation analysis:
►Several independent variables
►Strength of the association between two variables        (Page 128)
►Intercept with the X-axis
►Intercept with the Y-axis

If all the values fall on the same straight line and the line has a positive slope then what will be the value of the correlation coefficient ‘r’:
►0 = r = 1
►r = 0
►r = +1              (rep)

The dispersion which is calculated from all observed values is:
►Standard deviation          (Page 87)
►Quartile deviation
►Coefficient of Rang

For any number k ……….1, at least 1 – 1/k2 of the data-values fall within k standard deviations of the mean:
►Greater than 1         (Page 97)
►Less than 1
►Greater or equal to 1
►Less or equal to 1

If Mean = 25 & S.D is 5 then C.V is
►20%            (Page 93)rep
When E is an impossible event,then P(E) is:
►0         (Page 146)

When two dice are rolled, the numbers of possible sample points are:
►36         (6*6=36)

The correlation of coefficient lies between :
►0 to 1
► 0 to
►- 1 to +1          (Page 128)
1 to

How many elements are in the sample space of rolling one die:

When two coins are tossed the probability of at most one head is:

If A and B are mutually exclusive events then P(A or B) equals:
P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
P(A) * P(B)
P(A) + P(B)        (Page 155)
P(A|B) + P(B|A)

Positive square root of variance of a distribution is:
►Quartile deviation
►Standard deviation       (Page 91)

The probability of drawing a king of spade from a pack of 52 cards is:


5C5   Equals :

we toss a coin , we get only:
►1 outcome
►2 outcomes
►3 outcomes
►4 outcomes

Standard deviation is affected by the change of________:
►Origin & scale
►Origin only
►Scale only      Click here for detail
►Not origin & scale

A die is rolled. What is the probability that the number rolled is greater than 2 and even:
►2/3            (greater than 2 = 3,4,5,6 = 4 numbers , 4/6=2/3)

The probability of drawing any one spade card is: